New Delhi: Arun Shourie's attack on Monday was described as "gross indiscipline" by BJP spokesperson Rajiv Pratap Rudy and by the head of the party's disciplinary committee Ram Naik. However, on Tuesday, the BJP decided against expulsion, suspension or even giving a show-cause notice to Shourie. All he has to do is "clarify" whatever he has said about the party.
Shourie had said that the BJP was being run as a "private party" and wanted a total revamp beginning with the top leadership. He had suggested that the RSS take charge of the BJP's affairs. He even criticised the expulsion of Jaswant Singh and called his book on Pakistan's founder Jinnah a "scholarly work". He also dared the party to expel him if it wanted to.
On Tuesday afternoon, BJP office bearers held a meeting chaired by BJP president Rajnath Singh. It took hours to decide on the course of action.
The concern was that even a show-cause notice could invite a detailed, devastating and embarrassing reply. Leaders who were baying for his blood earlier went quiet by evening. They finally decided to play safe and ask for a clarification. The letter to Shourie was still being drafted and a time limit decided upon for the response.
BJP leaders said the party did not want to act in haste after its summary action against Jaswant Singh. It was, however, clear that Shourie was not a soft target and he may have more aces up his sleeve to embarrass different leaders of the party.
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