IPL Commissioner Lalit Modi on Saturday fired another salvo at Minister of State for External Affairs Shashi Tharoor. In a no-holds barred interview to Headlines Today, Modi said, Tharoor is lying, and he is sure that Rendezvouos Sports have a hidden agenda. He cast aspersions on Tharoor saying, "He (Tharoor) is a liar. Why was Tharoor so keen on the bidding process? He has a stake in the Kochi IPL team." Modi described the entire IPL controversy and the Income Tax raids as a minor issue. He sounded supremely confident, insisting he will just swat the problem away and move ahead. Following a bitter spat between Modi and Tharoor, the income tax department recently grilled Modi. Modi said, "I'm a victim of my own success. I-T raids are a minor issue. We have seen bigger challenges. We have nothing to hide. We will co-operate with I-T." He also said, "I-T has the right to know how our process works." Modi said, "The IPL bid is a secret process. I can't decide."
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Tharoor has a stake in Kochi IPL team: Lalit Modi
2:14 AM
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