After two days of investigations in the multi-crore financial fraud at Citibank, the Gurgaon police have found that the main accused, Shivraj Puri, who was working as the relationship manager, had opened 18 bank accounts in his and his family members' name.
Police said they had managed to get all the documents related to the transactions of the 18 accounts and were studying them before taking any actions against Puri's family members.
"Most of the family members are very old and Shivraj Puri was the one who was handling their bank accounts, so we can't say what was their extent of involvement in the fraud," Gurgaon Police Commissioner S S Deswal said.
Deswal further said the cops had not yet found any evidence to suggest that some other members of Citibank had helped Puri in the fraud in any way.
"The investigations are still on. If we find that there was help provided to him by any member of the bank, we will take action," he added.
According to the FIR filed by Citibank against Puri, he had duped high-networth clients of the company of more than Rs 300 crore.
The police had earlier said Citibank had come to know of the fraud almost a month ago, but it conducted thorough internal investigations before informing the police about the case.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Citibank fraud: Puri and family had 18 bank a/cs
1:11 AM
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