Samsung has announced the launch of three new Dual SIM phones in India. The new devices include the Samsung Star Duos GT-B7722, the Guru Dual 25 and Guru Dual 26.
Let's take a look at these devices in detail.
We start with the GT-B7722 Duos. This handset is touted to be the first 3G + 2G Dual-Standby touchscreen phone on the planet! This GSM + GSM handset features support for Active Sync, Microsoft Office files and even has a PDF reader - making it a decent entry level office phone. It also has a 5 megapixel autofocus camera with an LED flash. Connectivity options include Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and USB. It also has 250MB of internal memory. It is priced at Rs. 12,300.
Next, we have the Samsung Guru Dual 25 (GT- E1225) and Samsung Guru Dual 26 (GT -E 1252). These are entry level dual SIM phones designed to compete with the players in the low cost field dominated by the likes of Micromax, G'Five and so on. The Dual 25 is the cheaper of the two and boasts of features like stereo FM, Torch, support for nine regional languages and a 1000 contacts phonebook. Only one SIM can be active at a time on the Guru Dual 25. It has a smallish 1.8-inch display and has an 800mAH battery. It also has a 3.5 mm jack for audio.
Its elder brother Guru Dual 26 comes with a larger 2-inch display and also has a larger battery - rated at 1000mAH.
Samsung has also promised that it would introduce new dual SIM handsets in the country in the months to come. Samsung currently sells 10 dual SIM models in India.
Let's take a look at these devices in detail.
We start with the GT-B7722 Duos. This handset is touted to be the first 3G + 2G Dual-Standby touchscreen phone on the planet! This GSM + GSM handset features support for Active Sync, Microsoft Office files and even has a PDF reader - making it a decent entry level office phone. It also has a 5 megapixel autofocus camera with an LED flash. Connectivity options include Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and USB. It also has 250MB of internal memory. It is priced at Rs. 12,300.
Next, we have the Samsung Guru Dual 25 (GT- E1225) and Samsung Guru Dual 26 (GT -E 1252). These are entry level dual SIM phones designed to compete with the players in the low cost field dominated by the likes of Micromax, G'Five and so on. The Dual 25 is the cheaper of the two and boasts of features like stereo FM, Torch, support for nine regional languages and a 1000 contacts phonebook. Only one SIM can be active at a time on the Guru Dual 25. It has a smallish 1.8-inch display and has an 800mAH battery. It also has a 3.5 mm jack for audio.
Its elder brother Guru Dual 26 comes with a larger 2-inch display and also has a larger battery - rated at 1000mAH.
- Samsung Guru Dual 25 - Rs. 2,020
- Samsung Guru Dual 26 - Rs. 2,240
- Samsung GT-B7722 Duos - Rs. 12,300
Samsung has also promised that it would introduce new dual SIM handsets in the country in the months to come. Samsung currently sells 10 dual SIM models in India.